Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Look who's back.

Garth Turner – Minister of National Revenue, and Secretary of State (Leather Bears)
“If you own Nortel, or a mutual fund holding it, don’t bail out now… If you do not own Nortel, then this is the time to start accumulating it.”
- Garth Turner, Conservative candidate (Halton) November 27th 2000 at the start of the stock's plummet from $50 to pennies a share
“I am constantly amazed at the assumption people make that they can manage their own finances… most people can’t. They don’t have a clue how to pick stocks.”
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Conservative Cabinet Update

Rondo Thomas – Minister in Charge of Holy Wars
“The facts don’t matter.”
- Rondo Thomas, Conservative candidate (Ajax-Pickering)
See Rondo rally the troops in his own words here.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Conservative Cabinet Revealed
I have it on very good authority however that Stephen Harper is spending a lot of time playing the game these days. Word is the back room on the Harper bus resembles the woodshed from A Beautiful Mind; the walls are littered with the names of potential conservative cabinet ministers. Luckily my secret mole in the Tory Campaign (Tom Flannagan) has been taking photos of the notes with his hand held palm device and forwarding me the information on a daily basis. This is what the Tory Cabinet looks like so far.

Stockwell Day is perhaps the most experienced and most talented member on the Conservative front bench.
Stockwell is currently Foreign Affairs critic for the Conservative Party and he has done a bang-up job. When he was questioned as to why his party did not offer condolences to the Palestinians when Yasser Arafat died Stock responded by sending out a column by David Frum that speculated that Yasser died of AIDS.
With Stock representing Canada on the world stage can Peace in the Middle East be far away?

Jason Kenney is an embarrassment of riches for the conservative party. He is one of Stephen Harper’s most trusted lieutenants and is experienced, well-liked and hirsute.
He is perfectly suited to a mélange of cabinet positions, and while he has a grasp on all the issues health seems to be his forte.
“I do support the idea of private health care.”
- Jason Kenney, Conservative Party critic on Canada-U.S. Relations, October 31st 2000.

Rob Anders is the guy to reach out to Canada’s diverse multicultural communities.
“Nelson Mandela is a terrorist.”
- Rob Anders
“Rob is a true reformer and a true conservative. He has been a faithful supporter of mine and I am grateful for his work.”
- Stephen Harper endorsing Calgary West Conservative MP Rob Anders

Vic is the current Justice Critic and he takes the bull by the horns. He believes the notwithstanding clause should be used to override minority rights. He calls it the “ultimate tool” and so it is. The notwithstanding clause can be used to take away the rights of gay people to marry each other or the rights of the Chinese to drive. If you’re white and straight the chance of this being used against you are slim to none. This is for uppity minorities only. In case of emergency uppity-ness please break glass.

“Immigrants are choking welfare systems, contributing to high unemployment, and many cannot read.”
- Conservative MP Art Hanger

“Let's lower the age to ten.”
- Conservative MP Myron Thompson, commenting on the age at which he believes one should be tried as an adult, at a Vernon, BC meeting.

“There's a particular reason why Jesus called men only. It's not that women aren't co-participators. It's because Jesus knew women would naturally follow. Men, on the other hand, had to be called.”
- Conservative Candidate David Sweet former President & CEO of Promise Keepers Canada

“You can’t scalp me because I haven’t got much hair on top of my head.”
-Conservative Candidate Brian Fitzpatrick

“I think every Christian's under an obligation to change laws to reflect biblical values. Different Christians are going to try to change different laws, according to the call God gives them. You see Christians in all political parties. That reflects different understandings of what God's call is to us. That's a healthy thing. If the yeast congregates in one part of the loaf, it makes for pretty bad bread."
-Conservative Candidate Darrel Reid former president of Focus on The Family Canada
“We saw that young American having his head cut off. What's happening, what is happening down there no different.”
- Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke) at a 2004 pro-life rally on Parliament Hill, comparing abortion to the beheading of American Nicolas Berg by insurgents in Iraq