Pawn to King Four
In one smooth move he stood up in the House of Commons and with a few words he embarrassed the block and protected his seats in
And all he had to do to accomplish these lofty goals was table a simple motion saying that the government of
So all you kids in grade three who just learned that
We are now nine provinces three territories and a nation inside a nation. But when you write that down kids you might want to use a pencil because there’s going to be a lot of new nations you’re going to have to learn about.
Take the Cree for example. In
It’s a little mind boggling. Imagine if you were a Cree person, who’s gay, you like the Blue Jays and you live in
Yes Harper is quite the strategist, but clearly he didn’t grow up in a huge family. Because
No special status.
And why? Because moms know that if they ever put that down in writing, say in a birthday card, that’s exactly the type of thing that could eventually bite everyone on the ass and lead to the destruction of the whole bloody works.
So while it’s too early to say what if anything Harper’s move means, he certainly does play a mean game of chess.
I just hope he realizes
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